Monday, July 25, 2011

Milagro tea

Awoke to the magic of wondering, "what miracles will happen today?" These words, mixed with excitement stirred ... and went into a juicer with watermelon rinds and romaine lettuce to became my morning elixir. I breathed in - more excitement - and out - joyous calm. Swallowing more enthusiasm, I went out walking with a canine companion when two coyote friends trot by and check us out. Canine companion's ears point up to the cloudy sky. A quail family skits into the underbrush, to the shaded grove of safety that prickly pear and palo verde branches make. Baby desert hare stops in its tracks, lizard scurries behind mica-embedded rock, mourning doves coo, "hoo-hoo-hoo-hooo" and I am plucking tunas, those deep red, purple-y fruits of the prickly pear, with metal tongs, which I plop one by one into a sack. I make a tea of this and call it "milagro tea", a local blend of all that is in my path and breathing me today, in this precious moment, this infusion of Beloved elements we call life. Come, share this tea, there's an abundant supply, and miracles abound.

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