Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wild thing, you make my heart sing

I am listening to Bach's Concerto for Oboe d'Amore. A cool breeze is balancing out the heat emitted from the desk lamp above the keyboard where I write this entry. I've been reading through my blog these past couple of nights and, I must say, I have been delighted and moved by my own writing. I laugh, cry, and feel my heart inflate like a feathery bird's chest plumps out in the winter cold. It was Yuki and Jesse that made my heart plump up like that (and little Bodhi) and these words I had written about them produce the same sensation. Yukester, Jesster... I wonder what I will call my new animals when they come to me? I know they will find me when all the conditions are sufficient; things always work out that way. 

Here's a Concerto for Pyrrhuloxia d'Amore. It, too, expands my heart.

** Pyrrhuloxia (desert cardinal), seen at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson 


kathy whilden said...

So glad to read your wonderful writing again Nicole.

Nicole Raisin Stern said...

Thank you for reading, Kathy.
Now, I'll go see what you've been writing.