Friday, October 06, 2006

Not My Radiant Head

The diagnosis for my right arm is: a fractured radial head. The radial head is the end of the radius (the smallest of the three bones of the forearm). So, after being in a plaster cast for three days, I now have a bionic arm brace (below). The dial mechanism is what I use to fly over the desert. Actually, for transportation, I've embarked on a new adventure--riding the public bus. The doctor said no bike riding and that it will take about three months for the arm to heal. In three weeks I go back to the orthopedic doctor for a check up and some physical therapy. In the meantime, I can fly over the desert.

This meal is a left-handed breakfast. Not much different from one of my right-handed breakfasts except that I used a spoon for the rice--using my chopsticks left-handed is still a little awkward--and no grated raw ginger or daikon on tofu slices, since it's too hard to grate and slice left-handed.

A recent house guest.

Drying my sandals on the eastside of house after the rain yesterday.


Nicole Raisin Stern said...

hola Yarret-san,
gracias para tu mensaje. Sí, tienes razón, mi actividad es muy reducida--especialmente que no puedo montar mi bicicleta! Adios y hasta pronto.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know; sorry to hear!
