Monday, February 27, 2012

V'achalta - Grateful Satedness

 Teapot no. 557 ~ Grateful satedness

 V’achalta, v’sa-va ta oo’vay-rach-ta

A Blessing After the Meal 
by Hannah Tiferet

"We ate when we were hungry and now we're satisfied.
We thank the Source of Blessing for all that S/He provides.
V'achalta v'sa-va-ta oo-vay-rach ta....

Hunger is a yearning in body and soul.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit make us whole.
V'achalta v'sa-va-ta oo-vay-rach ta....

Giving and receiving we open up our hands.
From Seedtime through Harvest we're partners with the land.
V'achalta v'sa-va-ta oo-vay-rach ta....

We share in a vision of wholeness and release
Where every child is nourished and we all live in peace.
V'achalta v'sa-va-ta oo-vay-rach ta.... "

* * *
A joyous way of acknowledging the food that we eat by saying Birkat HaMazon, the Blessing After Meals.

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